vrijdag, oktober 28, 2005

Mei Mei Mei Mei Mei .... woehoew (fake verdoeme)

ik zou het de max vinden als dit bericht enige waarheid bevatte...

hier het berichtje van op helix:

Nintendo is aiming for a MAY Release date! This is official news straight from Nintendo! Nintendo wants to show off the hardware in May and launch the system worldwide the same month. This is as much of a marketing tactic as it is designed to give time for the developers to complete the games. "There is one more secret left" say Reggie Fils-Aime. "That secret will be shown to the world at E3 in May of 2006. Then everyone will understand the reason behind the controller's design and its capabilities." Mr. Fils-Aime stressed the importance of consumers needing to see the Revolution in action to truly understand it. Furthermore he feels that once the Revolution is shown in its entirety that it will generate a gaming mania and that it is very important to launch the product soon thereafter to capitalize on the excitement. What is the big secret? Your guess is as good as any. I guess we will have to wait until E3 next year to find out. Look for an update for this story with an exact day in May as soon as it is available. This story was an exclusive interview brought to you by GAMEHELIX! In other words if you don't have the GAMEHELIX toolbar chances are your fellow gamers have no clue about this information.

hier kun je de helixtoolbar downen...nee hier eigenlijk...