donderdag, maart 30, 2006

wreed muizeke

voor de die-hard fans: de mariomuize, woehoew of een goomba-muize

ziet er enkel wreed oncomfortabel uit.

hier kunt ge ze kopen


oud nieuws alarm! Robot-Race 2005

Een kleine 200 km door de Mojavewoestijn dat wordt gereden door onbemande voertuigen...'k had er nog nooit van gehoord (is dus oud nieuws eigenlijk)...hier kun je enkele van die dingen zien rijden...

en hier een stukje van de race zelf en nog een filmke van da motootje, een echte must-see voor de liefhebbers, tot slot nog enkele bloopers.


zaterdag, maart 11, 2006

multi-touch sensing technologie

Een touch screen kennen we onderhand allemaal maar deze gasten hebben de technologie verder uitgewerkt tot iets wat veel beter lijkt, ze beschrijven het zelf als volgt:"Bi-manual, multi-point, and multi-user interactions on a graphical interaction surface."

Bekijk vooral het filmpje eens op hun site...wat mij vooral deed watertanden is het stukje als die tekst en die foto's 'gezet' worden... stel je even voor om zo met photoshop, illustrator, indesign, enz... te kunnen werken. nu nog nen droom maar wie weet tegen 2015 of zo...


maandag, maart 06, 2006

former European managing director of Gizmondo, Carl Freer en vriendje Stefan Erikssen hebben een minder dagje

ziehier waarom

A 2003 Ferrari Enzo crashed at 6:08 AM on February 21, 2006 in Malibu, California on the Pacific Coast Highway near Decker Canyon . In the first few hours after the crash, there was a lot of confusion as to who the driver was. Here are the facts so far - we will continue to update you on this story as it unfolds:


* The owner of the car is Stefan Erikssen, a 44 year old former executive of Gizmondo. He left Gizmondo after allegedly being involved in a Swedish Mafia crime ring.
* He only suffered a bloody lip in the accident
* He claimed that he was a passenger in the Enzo and that the person driving was a German guy named "Dietrich".
* He claimed that they were racing a Mercedes SLR
* Police estimate that he was travelling a minimum of 100 MPH and up to 200 MPH when the crash occurred.
* Stefan Erikssen was intoxicated at the time of the accident


* A witness claimed that he saw the car go airborn due to excessive speed which is why the crash occurred in the first place.
* Police could not find the "driver", but they did find blood on the drivers side airbag. Police claim that only the driver side airbag deployed, however this photo seems to show that both airbags deployed.
* Police find the owner's story sketchy


* Update: Feb 22 - 9:04 PM EST - Police are pursuing the theory that Eriksson spent Monday night and Tuesday morning drinking with friends at a Beverly Hills house when they decided to drive to Malibu to race the Enzo against a silver Mercedes SLR

* Update: Feb 22 - 9:04 PM EST - The driver was convicted of fraud and counterfeiting in Sweden in 1993 and 1994. "It's all beginning to come together," says Los Angeles County sheriff's Sgt. Philip Brooks. "Pretty soon, we'll have it all figured out."

* Update: Feb 23 - 6:00 AM EST - Los Angeles Sheriff's Department Sgt. Philip Brooks told ABC News that he received a call from the Bank of Scotland claiming that the bank was in the process of repossessing the car and that Eriksson owns a second Ferrari Enzo with a questionable registration.

* Update: Feb 23 - 3:00 PM EST - Detectives are becoming increasingly skeptical of the explanation given by Eriksson and will be re-interviewing him today. `His story has inconsistencies that need to be cleared up,'' said Sgt. Phillip Brooks.
* The investigation has also centered on exactly how the Enzo got into the United States and how Ericksson came to possess it.

* Update: Feb 23 - 7:30 PM EST - It appears Mr Eriksson may have destroyed a car which didn't belong to him. Police said the car was the property of the Bank of Scotland and was in the process of being repossessed at the time of the crash. The word on the street is the Ferrari was obtained through fraudulent financing along with a Mercedes SLR. When the bank found out, Eriksson simply shipped the Ferrari to the United State. The car had a European registration and nothing had been done to make it street legal in California.
* Police have calculated the official speed of impact at 162 MPH.

* Update: Feb 24 - 7:30 PM EST - One of our eagle-eyed visitors pointed us to a video clip of Stefan Eriksson driving around Beverly Hills a couple of months before the crash. In the clip, he's driving his black Enzo, a pretty young girl hops out of the car after giving him a kiss, and he shows off by reving the engine a bit. The odd thing is that the car has a European license plate. It looks like the black Enzo wasn't properly registered either. (Credit: Video was filmed by Spyder Dobrofsky)
Click Here to View Video Clip

* Update: Feb 25 - 3:00 PM EST - Readers point out that the Ferrari had license plates indicating it was registered in Manchester, England in 2004. It turns out that one of Gizmondo's development studios is located in Manchester. It is likely the cars were registered to the company since it's more cost effective to title them as company cars so they can claim back a portion of tax on gas and operational costs.

* The driver of the Mercedes SLR which was apparently racing Mr. Eriksson may have been former European managing director of Gizmondo, Carl Freer, who is known to own a Mercedes SLR and is a good friend of Eriksson.

* Apparently, "Dietrich" may not be a completely made up person. The person who ran Gizmondo's German operation was a German fellow named Dietrich.

* Update: Feb 27 - 7:30 PM EST - Police now believe a gun clip found near the accident scene may be linked to Mr. Eriksson. They also believe there was another passenger in the car when the crash occurred. They have called Mr. Eriksson in for another interview.

* Update: Feb 28 - 10:30 PM EST - New photos posted includes detailed shots of the engine and a photo showing both airbags deployed. Thanks goes out to Michael Frediani for being in the right place at the right time with a digital camera.


hier de laatste update over deze zaak!


vrijdag, maart 03, 2006

new DS lite launch

goendag ladies,
na een kleine pauze ben ik er weer ...

'k val meteen met de deur in huis nl met enkele fotootjes uit japan,
omtrent de launch van de DS lite...holy da volk:) moest ik ginder wonen zou ik er waarschijnlijk ook wel tussenstaan...oedanook op nen dag zal ik me ook eentje proberen te bemachtigen, eerst nog wat cenzen teupeschrepen,éé.

